
Our Work

Saving Lives, Alleviating Suffering, Protecting Our Planet

“Caring for the people and the environments of the coastal communities around the globe who share with us their land, sea, and spirit.”

Captain Mark Drewelow,
Founder, YachtAid Global

YachtAid Global’s unified, collaborative operations, programs, projects, and initiatives, focused on disaster relief, recovery, humanitarian aid, and conservation, are being planned and carried out in vulnerable coastal communities across the globe.


These programs provide an exceptional opportunity for yacht owners, crew, and guests to engage in impactful, sustainable, meaningful work that contributes to the coastal peoples and locales they visit, depend on, and enjoy. The generous support of donors, volunteers, the yachting community, and related industry members make these critical programs possible enabling YachtAid Global to save lives, alleviate suffering, and make the planet a better place.

Clean Water Access

Environmental Conservation

Educational Programs and Supplies

Build Back Better

Disaster Relief & Recovery

Marine Life & Ocean Conservation

Marine Life Conservation

YachtAid Global runs “Operation Swimway”, a conservation program featuring investments into the equipment and science of ocean conservation, while enabling interested owners, guests, and crew to work closely with distinguished members of scientific community to accelerate the conservation of pelagic species.

Clean Water Access

10% of the world's population, 771 million people lack access to clean drinking water. As part of various operations around the world, YAG installs clean water access depots in community centres, homes and schools with filtration systems that remove 99.9999% of all bacteria.


Many under privileged children do not have the access to good education including marine related programs like swimming and sailing which are especially needed in remote coastal communiites.

Build Back Better

As an extention of our disaster relief efforts, YachtAid Global stays committed to the support and revitalization of these communities building more storm resilient structures.

Disaster Relief

YachtAid Global continuously monitors weather patterns around the globe ready to initiate our response efforts where needed.

Environmental Conservation

Through the operation of coral reef studies and nursery management and the Blue Carbon Initiative, YachtAid Global is focused on doing our part to protect the planets ecosystems.
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Contact YachtAid Global

To learn more about our existing programs and emerging initiatives for delivering the right aid to the right people at the right time. Our globally recognized, proven platform is how we are Changing the World Without Changing Course.